Hey Mommas!
Back to school time can be a stressful and exciting time. Let’s take some of the stress out!
It’s that time of the year again. Back to school can be a stressful and exciting time. Uniforms, dress codes, schedules, sports physicals….ALL the things right? Here are some tips to help you with some tips that have helped me in all the years my kids have gone “Back to School” (17 to be exact WHAT???).
The Week Before School Starts
First things first, our kids schedule gets out of whack during the summer. So let’s make our lives easier and get them back into an schedule and routine. I always start a week before school starts and that resets they sleep patterns and gets them on track.
Get that school supplies list and if you can order on Amazon. Super easy new feature and it will save your sanity. In order to still get into the “fun” of back to school supplies shopping I leave a few things and go together with my kids to get them so no super long list crashing carts, crying kiddos everywhere because those poor moms had to drag them out there for the experience but the kids are bored, hungry, and tired. I like to get this list done a week before school starts that way if something is hard to find you still have time to get it.
Paperwork ugh, I know, I feel ya! Don’t procrastinate on this. Now days a lot of schools are sending information update forms digitally. Get your coffee and tackle them. The quicker you get this done the one less thing you’ll have lingering on your brain.
Grocery shopping for next week’s meal plan (more on that somewhere else, InstaPot is my BFF during school days), lunches, and after school snacks.
The Day Before
Make the last day of summer count! This can be a day full of anxiety and last minute things, hopefully you tackled the week before stuff on top…If not, no worries, you got this!
Do something physically active, this will boost endorphins and reduce stress which in turn will lower anxiety on you and your kiddos.
Make the lunch together the night before. This makes the perfect time to engage in conversations and hear our children and what their concerns might be for the day ahead. I like to sneak a little note after they leave just so they know I’m thinking of them while they’re at school, no matter the age, they love it. Even if they pretend that they don’t. I don’t do the note daily, this is just at random but I always do the first day.
Pick and lay out the outfit & shoes the night before. This will stop all the extra madness in the morning and they’ll be ready to head out in no time.
Back to School Morning
Wake up extra early. Check out the quick morning make up routine below.
Warm breakfast.
Help them remember to take what they need until they get a routine down, it’s easier to remind them then having to drive it to the school later when we find it at home.
On the first day, say a quick goodbye and don’t linger. This can create unnecessary anxiety for your child.
After School
Whatever you do, don’t bombard them with questions! you’ll more than likely get these answers:
How was it? okay. What did you do? nothing
I like to give mine 15-30 minutes of decompress time. This transition time has been very helpful for my family with kids of all ages. This gives everyone ample time to breathe, get comfortable, transition to home mode from school mode and get ready to tackle the rest of the day. This is usually alone time, my kids put their stuff down, go to their room and change out of their uniform, then when done they come for their snack and are ready to engage. Now you can ask about their day but be more specific like:
Tell me the best part of your day.
Did any of your classmates do anything funny?
What was the hardest thing you had to do today?
Who did you play or hang out with today?
These questions require more of an answer than one word and you can then engage in conversation with them.
Carry on with your evening routine and fill out ALL the papers the teachers send, your kids probably get points for turning them in and if the teacher went out of her way to put this together it’s because it’s important to her so let’s partner up with them and do our part as soon as we can.
General Tips
Have a family calendar in a visible area.
Don’t over commit yourself
Stick to a routine the best you can, this will simplify your evenings.
YOU SURVIVED!!! congratulate and celebrate yourself, then start all over tomorrow.
For a Quick Morning Make Up Routine
These are my Favs for a quick 5 minute routine after skin care:

Products for a 5 Minute Make Up
Brow Pencil, Mascara, Enduring Eyeliner Pencil, Foundation, Enduring Lip Color.