Identify April social media ideas
If your content calendar is in a rut this will help you get it back on track. We’ve compiled a list of national, international, popular, and strange and odd days to commemorate. There are almost 60 ideas in all. There are a plethora of methods to get creative with your material.
We’ve also included daily, weekly, and monthly April social media ideas, so you can schedule your posts anyway you choose. And, as always, we’ve included a list of resources and ideas that you may refer to at any time!
Content Creation Tips for April
Creating material month after month can be difficult, but not if you plan ahead and follow these basic guidelines! In fact, if you follow a few key tactics listed below, you’ll have a month’s worth of material ready to go in no time. It doesn’t have to take you hours and hours to complete!
Here are my recommendations for social media content in April 2022:
Make use of a template. When you’re not a designer, why waste time making a cool design? Instead, utilize a design that has already been approved by a designer and edit the template. Only make changes to the text, images, or colors. When modifying templates, keep in mind that less is more. Check out this article for some helpful hints.
Create in batches. Why not make multiple designs once you’ve entered the creative zone? Or even ten to twenty images? It’s far easier to make a large number of photos in one sitting than it is to do them all at once. The tools are open and ready to use. Continue on to the next one!
Make a few short videos to share on social media – We’re talking about 15-30 second videos vs. long-form material. Check out our blog post for more tips on how to make excellent 15–second videos. Also, don’t forget that Canva now includes fantastic video and animation options to assist you!
Material that is simple to absorb is the best king. This can be in the form of quotes, advice, or observational humour. All of these are excellent for increasing engagement, especially on Facebook, where users read through material quickly.
Week-long and month-long holidays in April
Here’s a quick rundown to help you come up with week-long social media ideas:
- Animal Cruelty Awareness Week – 3rd full week in April.
- Alcohol Awareness Month
- Poetry Month
- Jazz Appreciation Month
- International Guitar Month
- Alcohol Awareness Month
- Financial Literacy Month
- National Garden Month
- National Pet Month (UK)
- Celebrate Diversity Month
- Stress Awareness Month
- National Humor Month
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
Handy List for April Social Ideas & Holidays
For your convenience, I’ve put together a handy reference guide that highlights the most important April Social Media Holidays in 2022. Share it with your friends or save it to Pinterest for later use:
April Social Media Holidays – 2022
- April Fools Day #AprilFools & National Sourdough Bread Day
- World Autism Awareness Day #AutismAwarenessDay & International Children’s Book Day & Pillow Fight Day (1st Saturday in April)
- National Chocolate Mousse Day #ChocolateMousseDay & Find a Rainbow Day #FindARainbowDay
- Maya Angelou’s Birthday #MayaAngelou
- Go for Broke Day #GoForBroke & Caramel Day #CaramelDay & Deep Dish Pizza Day #DeepDishPizza.
- National Siamese Cat Day #NationalSiameseCatDay & Caramel Popcorn Day & National Tartan Day
- World Health Day #WorldHealthDay and National Beer Day #NationalBeerDay (US) & National Walking Day #NationalWalkingDay (1st Wednesday in April) & National Burrito Day #NationalBurritoDay (1st Thursday in April)
- International Feng Shui Awareness Day #FenShuiAwarenessDay
- National Winston Churchill Day #WinstonChurchillDay & Unicorn Day #UnicornDay
- National Siblings Day #NationalSiblingsDay & Encourage a Young Writer Day
- National Pet Day #NationalPetDay
- International Day of Human Space Flight #InternationalDayofHumanSpaceFlight & National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
- Scrabble Day #ScrabbleDay
- National Pecan Day #NationalPecanDay & Dolphin Day #DolphinDay & International Moment of Laughter Day.
- Good Friday & World Art Day #WorldArtDay & Coachella starts (15 April to 24 April, if all goes well).
- National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day #PJDay & Easter Saturday & Save the Elephant Day
- Haiku PoetryDay #HaikuPoetryDay & Easter Sunday
- Velociraptor Awareness Day #VelociraptorAwarenessDay & Easter Monday & Boston Marathon, 2022.
- National Garlic Day #NationalGarlicDay
- Chinese Language Day (UN Holiday) and Look-a-like Day & Chinese Language Day & Volunteer Recognition Day
- National Tea Day in the UK & & National High Five Day #HighFiveDay
- Earth Day #EarthDay & Jelly Bean Day #JellyBeanDay
- World Book Day #WorldBookDay & Talk Like Shakespeare Day
- World Meningitis Day #WorldMeningitisDay & New Kids on the Block Day
- National Telephone Day #NationalTelephoneDay & ANZAC Day in Australia and New Zealand #AnzacDay & World Penguin Day & National Go Birding Day
- National Pretzel Day #NationalPretzelDay
- National Prime Rib Day #PrimeRibDay & Denim Day #DenimDay & World Stationery Day #WorldStationeryDay & International Guide Dogs Day (held on the last Wednesday in April)
- Pay it Forward Day #PayItForwardDay
- International Dance Day #InternationalDanceDay
- International Jazz Day #InternationalJazzDay