Have you ever looked at overnight success stories, rags to riches highlights and industry leaders traveling the world and having all the freedom, impact and income thinking that it must have been easy for them?
I know I did and I expected things to take off right away. The truth is it does take hard work and time. I’m not saying you can’t have BIG results quickly, because you can. But developing a personal brand and becoming an entrepreneur takes a much different skillset than being an employee.
So, let’s take a look at what’s going on. Shall we?
Almost always the number one reason is feeling icky about sales and self-promotion.
I remember thinking I just wanted to share these amazing products. People then would realize how great they are and how they too could have amazing benefits from them. But I soon realized that as a business owner, you are in the business of sales and marketing. I had to let go of old beliefs around sales, and instead learned how to articulate the amazingness o four products and the value I provide as your Beauty Guide, it won’t feel like sales at all. It’s more like helping a friend who needs help get a stain off her carpet and I have the answer or help a friend find the right shoes to go with her outfit. It comes natural and when we look at our business as such MAGIC happens.
We often try to figure it all out ourselves and reinvent the wheel. Let’s be honest. Massive success comes from a team. There is freedom in structure and a step-by-step plan that actually works. You’ll save blood, sweat and tears in the long run. This is where selecting the right team to work with is the best way to go. If you’re already in a company and you want your team to be better, make it better. Be the “better” for your teammates. Remember that we RISE by LIFTING others! Always give generously and share your success, tips, and steps with your teammates without expectation.
We often tend to lose focus. With so many distractions, and no clearly defined and measurable plan, it’s easy to get lost in shiny object syndrome. Most of the time we are trying too many things at once versus perfecting one first before moving on to the next. FOCUS! make a realistic plan and stick with it. I make a monthly calendar skeleton with MUST do things then I review it on a week by week basis and depending on updates or changes I give myself room to adjust accordingly and add to it in a realistic way. The MUST do things stay there and that’s why the skeleton is trim at first only the MUST do things go on it then as it gets revised more goals and steps get added to it. This allows me to have a monthly, weekly, and daily plan to achieve my goal.
I hope this is helpful.