It is so important for us to practice self care all year round but right now it’s crucial that we do it. Here are 5 ways in which you can practice it. They are not in any order of importance.
Shower and get ready. Even if you’re staying home to work get ready as if you’re leaving the house. This will not only tell your body you have things going on but it will also energize you to get going. Stick to your skincare & makeup routines. I always feel better when I get ready, I literally can’t function and waste a lot of time if I don’t have shoes on lol
Exercise. Even if you have limited time you can squeeze in a work out. There are a lot of free resources in YouTube and in Facebook groups. You can also find a lot of stretching routines on Pinterest diagrams. This will get your blood going and get your brain those amazing endorphins that it wants so much.
Have. a break after every hour of work. This will prevent burn out and will actually help you be more effective with your time. This small rest time will reset your brain, and help you focus better.
Have a brain dump session multiple times a day. During this time you will write down every thought that comes to mind all the to do’s. Here is a video from the amazing Mel Robbins explaining why it works so well and how to do it.
Plan your day. When you have structured time it’s a lot easier to maintain the schedule & to-do list. Here is a training on blocking time and how we are already trained for it.
I hope you find these helpful and I would love to hear of any other things that work for you. Leave me a comment 🙂